Yes ...I had declared war against my bulges! My daughter is turning 5 years old in 2 days and I cannot used her anymore as my alibi that I am still holding on to these baby fats! I don't felt sexy anymore. ....HELP! I really need a lot of intervention.
I have tried a lot of diets advertise on TV or magazine . From Atkins ,low fat to rice diets. I lost some and gain all of it back plus some more.
For a start , I am going to used a detox herb I bought at
called Whole Body Cleanse. It is a whole body cleansing system. Two weeks program that will provide comprehensive cleaning on your gastrointestinal track, liver, lymph and blood . I am currently on day 8th and I really like the gentle cleansing . It does not contain harsh stimulants laxative that can give you a discomfort like Senna and other strong herbs. It includes fibers, too. I ate normal foods limiting on sugars and white refine foods. Less on process meats and red meat. Every morning, I usually have the urge to unload all the accumulated junk in my system. I felt refresh! I felt my energy surge is way up and I really felt lighter. I can't wait finishing my detox. Hopefully, it will help me jump start weight loss.
Part 2 series of my detox experience will be coming soon...