Saturday, March 14, 2009

My own Battle of the Bulge! I declare war!

Yes ...I had declared war against my bulges! My daughter is turning 5 years old in 2 days and I cannot used her anymore as my alibi that I am still holding on to these baby fats! I don't felt sexy anymore. ....HELP! I really need a lot of intervention.

I have tried a lot of diets advertise on TV or magazine . From Atkins ,low fat to rice diets. I lost some and gain all of it back plus some more.

For a start , I am going to used a detox herb I bought at

called Whole Body Cleanse. It is a whole body cleansing system. Two weeks program that will provide comprehensive cleaning on your gastrointestinal track, liver, lymph and blood . I am currently on day 8th and I really like the gentle cleansing . It does not contain harsh stimulants laxative that can give you a discomfort like Senna and other strong herbs. It includes fibers, too. I ate normal foods limiting on sugars and white refine foods. Less on process meats and red meat. Every morning, I usually have the urge to unload all the accumulated junk in my system. I felt refresh! I felt my energy surge is way up and I really felt lighter. I can't wait finishing my detox. Hopefully, it will help me jump start weight loss.

Part 2 series of my detox experience will be coming soon...


  1. Oh wow that sound interesting...i might try it after I have my second one...panahon na para bumalik sa dating size:)...thanks for sharing ate!

  2. hello Elaine, haven't seen you in a while..

  3. thank you for sharing this mommy elaine! kevin doesn't like me going on any diet. when he knows i am about to... he starts buying me more food! LOL. he just doesn't like me getting skinny coz i have a tendency to.

  4. hi Nelds..good idea to detox once in a while....

  5. to LINDZ.... ikaw ni mommy lindz? long time no see? mi disappear man ka sa multiply. how you'been ? and the boyz? i bet they're grown up now

  6. hi trish... para lang to sa mga taba ... ikaw ang liit mo na... no need to diet/..

  7. Yes Elaine it's me... how are you na? wala na ko didto sa Multiply dugay na...

  8. hey Lindz, glad we found each other again...Isabella had a chance to show off her bomerang in school. They were studying about Australia. And she took the bommerang for her "show and tell" It was awesome...Thanks for sending that to her mommy Lindz.

  9. Hi Ate Elyn,
    I never try any pills or any diet so I can't really help you..Thanks for sharing..Wish you all the best..

  10. That's my problem too Elaine. I really wish I can go back at least to my pre-marriage size. I don't think there's a diet system that works without combining exercise. I've tried to count daily intake calories and exercise-it works for a while but I gained it back when I took a long vacation and had my surgery. Now, I've been trying to walk at least 10,000 steps a day and use pedometer to monitor my steps. We'll see if this is worth an effort. Good luck!
